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Bankruptcy Attorney in Joplin, Missouri

Trusted Legal Guidance

The following is a brief discussion of the different types of bankruptcy available. It is for informational purposes only, and it is not in any way intended to give legal advice. To find experienced, qualified legal representation for your bankruptcy case, please contact us at the Bankruptcy Center of Joplin.

General Bankruptcy Information

One of the primary purposes of bankruptcy is to discharge certain debts and give honest individuals a “fresh start.” Upon filing the bankruptcy petition with the United States Bankruptcy Court, an automatic stay goes into effect, which prohibits creditors from taking any action to collect a debt.

Those actions include calling the debtor on the phone, taking possession of the collateral, pursuing a lawsuit, or garnishing the debtor’s wages. The automatic stay remains in effect until the bankruptcy process is completed unless a creditor received court approval to proceed.

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The Meeting of Creditors

The Federal Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of Missouri is located in Kansas City, Missouri. All pleadings are filed electronically with the court. As part of the bankruptcy process, debtors agree to attend a meeting of creditors (it is not uncommon for no creditors to appear).

The location of the meeting of creditors depends on the county in which the debtor lives. Missouri debtors living in Barry, Barton, Jasper, Lawrence, McDonald, Newton, Stone, and Vernon counties will have their meeting of creditors in the basement of Memorial Hall in Carthage, Missouri.

In addition, debtors from Kansas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas who live in a county that adjoins the Missouri state line are eligible to file in Missouri, using the exemptions of their home state. Filing your case in Missouri instead of your home state could greatly reduce the travel time to and from your meeting.

Please call us at the Bankruptcy Center of Joplin, Missouri to see if you are eligible to file for bankruptcy in Missouri. Let us help you pursue financial freedom.